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Construire sa station Meteosat 2eme Génération

Date de publication : 01/07/2005

Par Konrad Florczak

A METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION receiving, processing and storing images system developped by engineer students

In this article, we present how we managed to build a low cost, homemade, up and running receiving station able to store almost a year of data from Meteosat Second Generation satellite. After a presentation of the context of the study, we will detail the hardware and software aspects of the station, followed by the educational stake, which links students and scientists working together. In the conclusion we will explain how this station led us to be involved in our first international project called AMMA (African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis) and how we are going to realize an autonomous meteorological alert system which will forewarn of approaching thunderstorms and start recording ground images of this phenomenon.


E.S.I.E.A et le responsable du pôle recherche Laurent Beaudoin

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